Your laser must match the colour of the enemy. You can’t control your laser colour.
A game made in two days for PegJam 2019.
Download it here.
Every time you fire, your laser flip-flops between red and blue. You must hit the red enemies with red lasers and the blue enemies with blue lasers. If you hit an enemy with the wrong colour, it gets bigger and needs to be hit twice.
- Game design and “enemy” artwork: Mike Berg
- SFX: Nathanael Wsiaki. Nat did awesome work converting my weird mouth noises and descriptions of sound into sfx that were even better than I imagined. Check him out.
- VFX: FX Variety Pack by Kakky
- Background art: Scifi Kitbash Level Builder by Denys Rutkovskyi
- Music: Action Game Loops Pack by MuzStation Game Music

I made a prototype of this game in 2015 that you can try here. I wanted to try my hand at rebuilding it in Unreal. The goal was to make it more mobile-friendly by using a differing shooting mechanic that wouldn’t require a virtual d-pad that was used to move your “ship”.
This led to three large buttons at the bottom of the screen that you tap to fire. This way the game could be played with one hand.