Necrocards - The Necromunda Card Game Project
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What is the Necromunda Card Game Project?

This site is dedicated to creating an excellent set of unofficial house rules for Games Workshop's best game, Necromunda.

The concept behind the Necromunda Card Game is to supplement the rules and gameplay of Necromunda by adding a card game element. These cards can be played during the standard Necromunda turn sequence, and have an immediate effect on the game.

This allows for more variety and unpredicability in the game. You can interfere with your opponent's turn, or cause your models to perform heroic actions to accomplish an objective.

How does it work?

You and your opponent will each start with a deck of cards. The cards will be of the following types:

Resource Resource cards are required to play Action or Hazard cards. These cards do not get discarded, but are "tapped" when Action or Hazard cards are played. There are two types of Resources: Archeotech, and Fate.
Action Action cards can be played at any time during the game, unless otherwise specified. These include heroic actions or twists of fate that will effect the game.
Hazard Hazards are cards you play during your opponent's turn to make life miserable for their gang. These include a variety of natural (and un-natural) hazards that are a part of life in the Underhive.

To begin, each player places one of each type of resource face up on the table, then draws 7 cards into their hand.

To play a card during a turn, you must first tap the required number of Resource Cards. Then follow the instructions on the card.

For more details on the rules, see the Rules page.

Can I help?

I have created this website because I need your help! I have begun creating the cards, and am commissioning all you artists and playtesters out there!

I'd like to have unique artwork on each card, and am not much of an artist myself. If you are interested in becoming a part of the Necromunda Card Game Project, just email me! I will accept drawings for any of the cards, in black and white, color, 2D, 3D, painted or pencilled.

The goal is to have a complete PDF version of all the required cards, with relevant artwork that brings the action in the card alive.

The PDF will be formatted so that it is easy to print on either black and white or color printers. Once printed out, the sheets can be cut into cards. I recommend putting the paper cards into card sleeves for durability and easier handling.

Enough! Show me the Goods!

Download the card list in PDF form as it stands currently. View the Change Log here.

Visit the Contact/Submit page for more info on submitting artwork, ideas, and playtesting feedback for this project.